The Project “Preserving Happiness: WASH for a Promising Future” is an initiative to uplift the living standard and education of female students in rural areas. The project priority is remodelling sanitation facilities to ensure access to clean water within school premises and meet basic hygiene standards to develop a facilitative environment for their learning and growth.
Aligning with the United Nations’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) underscores the project’s commitment to expansive global development objectives. This project’s ideal is to directly contribute to SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 5 (Gender Equality), and SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) as it demonstrates its significance in addressing these key challenges facing communities worldwide.
Moreover, the project’s emphasis on enhancing health and welfare while reducing inequalities reflects a holistic approach to sustainable development to improve the immediate welfare of students and empower them to lead healthier, fulfilling lives. Its local impact resonates globally, contributing to efforts to create a more equitable and sustainable future for all.