Our Work

Our core objective of encouraging underprivileged community advancement aligns with inclusive socio-economic expansion, creating opportunities for every individual and promoting gender equality for women to thrive in various aspects of their lives. We believe that underserved people’s empowerment can have a ripple effect on society, improving the qualitative standard of life for everyone involved. Hence, we design comprehensive programs and initiatives that focus not only on economic empowerment but also address broader social and health aspects.

We are determined to aid impoverished people in various states of India, even in remote geographies, through sustainable projects to catalyze their aspirations to evolve as self-sufficient. We advocate for the empowerment of the rural population and work towards sustainable growth to bring about positive transformations in communities and beyond. We provide them with the necessary tools, resources, and support to embark on and sustain their journey towards self-development and self-reliance. The initiative includes education, skill development training, access to finance, mentorship, networking opportunities, and health and environmental concerns.

We adhere to the legal requites set by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs for corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects under the Companies Act 2013. We have undertaken various thematic domains of CRS activities outlined in Schedule VII of the Companies Act 2013 to prioritize the implementation of the projects for integrated socio-economic advancement.

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Our Focus Areas

Kaydee Foundation advocates and implements comprehensive support services for the upliftment of underprivileged populations by guiding them to become self-sustaining through various projects for their financial inclusion, encouraging diversity, promoting gender equality, social welfare activities, and mitigating health and other social issues in multiple states of our nation.

We comply with the statutory prerequisites of Schedule VII of the Companies Act 2013 of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. We are facilitating various programs based on diverse thematic sections involved with coherent socio-economic development.

Anita Mondal

It’s inspiring for the Kaydee Foundation to hear the words of appreciation from Anita Mondal, who lives in a remote rural corner of our nation, which lacks access to proper medical facilities, including a hospital.

The nearest hospital is far from her locality and also devoid of appropriate health check-up infrastructure and adequate services. The basic available services are also expensive compared to the living standard of these rural populations. The free health check-up camps have created a significant impact on her and the community by providing much-needed healthcare services that are otherwise difficult to access.

Anita’s gratitude towards the Kaydee Foundation’s effort in setting up the free health camp and the compassionate treatment she received from qualified doctors and nurses is truly encouraging. It’s inspiring to see the difference such drives are making in the lives of disadvantaged individuals. Anita’s desire for more such camps and willingness to support them again in the future highlights the significance of the enterprise’s initiative of community-driven efforts in healthcare.

Annapurna Manna

Annapurna Manna, a single mother, found herself in a challenging situation to visit a hospital for health check-ups as she’s striving to provide for her family while dealing with the constraints of time and financial resources. The free health camp organized by the Kaydee Foundation came as a beacon of hope for someone like Annapurna, who rarely had the chance to visit a hospital due to her busy schedule and the financial burden associated with comprehensive health check-ups. Learning about the camp through her neighbours, she recognized that it was a unique opportunity she couldn’t afford to miss. When Annapurna arrived at the health camp, her gratitude was palpable. The camp provided her with a chance to receive much-needed medical attention without the worry about costs.

At the camp, Annapurna underwent tests for blood sugar and blood pressure, crucial indicators of her overall health. The doctors conducted a comprehensive examination, addressing her health concerns and ensuring that her well-being was a priority. This experience not only empowered her with knowledge about her health status but also alleviated the stress related to her health condition.

Annapurna’s gratitude towards the Kaydee Foundation for organizing the health camp resonated deeply. The camp wasn’t just about medical tests; it was about extending a helping hand to individuals like Annapurna, who found themselves at the intersection of limited resources and pressing health needs. Through community outreach and initiatives like these, the collective effort of the Kaydee Foundation shines brightly, touching lives and making a tangible difference for those who need it the most.

Bandana Ghosh

Bandana Ghosh, a working woman and a devoted mother of two, had always placed her health on the backburner due to her numerous responsibilities. She found her life touched by the proactive efforts of the Kaydee Foundation’s community-centered free general health camp. Encouraged by the positive buzz from her neighbours about the camp, Bandana decided to seize the opportunity and evaluate her own well-being.

Stepping into the health camp with her family, Bandana met with an environment that exuded professionalism and care. It not only provided medical services but also created an atmosphere that fostered trust and comfort, crucial factors in encouraging individuals to take charge of their health.

They conducted various tests, including measuring her blood pressure. The results revealed an unexpected concern: her blood pressure was high. The doctor, recognizing the seriousness of untreated hypertension, shared valuable insights about the associated risks and emphasized the importance of seeking timely medical intervention. While the news was understandably concerning, Bandana also felt a sense of gratitude for the camp’s role in detecting this issue at an early stage.

Bandana’s heartfelt appreciation towards the Kaydee Foundation resonated profoundly. The camp had achieved more than just providing medical services; it had empowered individuals like Bandana to confront their health realities, encouraging them to take proactive steps for their well-being.

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Bikash Ghosh

In the rural village of Chanditala, where access to healthcare was scarce, 52-year-old farmer Bikash Ghosh’s story is a testament to the transformative impact of community healthcare outreach. 

 Bikash had toiled in the fields for years, accustomed to hard work and endurance. When he began experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath, he attributed it to fatigue and continued his daily routines. But as the pain intensified, he knew he could no longer ignore it. The lack of healthcare facilities in his area had kept him from seeking medical help in the past, but hope arrived in an unexpected form – the Kaydee Foundation’s free heart camp. Upon learning about the camp from his wife, Bikash decided to attend, holding onto the hope of relief from his symptoms.  

 At the camp, a dedicated team of doctors and nurses conducted a thorough check-up, including blood pressure, blood sugar tests, and an ECG. The results revealed that Bikash had mild heart disease, a condition that could have turned life-threatening if left unchecked. The doctors provided him with essential medication and advised a shift towards a healthier lifestyle. 

 Bikash’s gratitude knew no bounds. He realized that the camp had saved his life and opened his eyes to the importance of regular medical check-ups. With newfound vigour and a deep sense of gratitude, he advocates for better healthcare access in his community. He passionately voiced his belief that more such camps should be arranged for heart disease and various ailments that affect his community. According to Bikash, these camps were not just about healthcare; they were about community advancement by providing essential healthcare services to those who needed it most. 

 Bikash’s experience serves as a reminder of the positive impact that healthcare outreach programs can have on individuals and communities. Early detection, health awareness, and accessible healthcare services are crucial in improving the overall health and well-being of underserved populations. 

Jayanti Sarkar

Jayanti Sarkar, from Silinda, West Bengal, is an underprivileged rural woman whose husband earns a livelihood by driving. Regular health check-ups seem like a luxury while they struggle to attain the basic necessities of their family due to financial instability.

The free health check-up camp organized by the Kaydee Foundation in her locality was like a ray of hope to conduct her health check-ups and get advice from expert medical professionals. Jayanti found immense value and was satisfied with the services of the health camp.

The volunteers and employees of the foundation are working together to spread awareness about the free health check-up camps among women like Jayanti in rural areas. It’s heartening to know that she found the services helpful and is planning to spread the word about these free health camps to guide others in her community to access similar benefits. This story exemplifies how the Kaydee Foundation is making a positive change by addressing essential health check-up needs within the community.

Stories That Inspire

Our impact stories go beyond mere statistics and facts; we focus on humanizing our efforts and outcomes, making them relatable, emotional, and memorable. These stories are narratives of individuals and communities that highlight the lives we have touched and the positive effects and changes we have brought to the lives of individuals and society as a whole. Impact stories are not just tales of people we serve, they are real-world examples and acknowledgements of our actions, which inspire us to continue our journey.

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