General Donation

Your kind and selfless contribution has the potential to make a significant impact on our endeavors. Here are a few examples of how your donation can be utilized:

  • By donating Rs. 500, you can empower a woman by providing her with 5 plants for her kitchen garden.
  • A donation of Rs. 1000 can assist us in covering a portion of the expenses incurred during a health camp, which typically costs between 20000 – 40000.
  • With a donation of Rs. 5000, we can distribute free packs of sanitary napkins to 200 students, promoting their well-being and hygiene.

All contributions made to the Kaydee Foundation are qualified for a 50% tax deduction under section 80G (Unique Registration Number). Every single monetary contribution received by the Kaydee Foundation is allocated towards various humanitarian and environmental, based on the specific requirements at hand.